RCD Testing

A residual current device (RCD) is a electrical device which is designed to cut off power in the event of a fault on a electrical circuit. Installation of RCDs or safety switches is mandatory on all hostile environment circuits. Further, In Accordance to Worksafe Occupational Safety and Health Regulations 1996 Regulation 3.60, all portable equipment must be protected against earth leakage current, in the form a portable RCDs.

Testing Frequency

RCDs require injection testing every 12 month, a data record of trip times for all injection testing must be kept on file to be in accordance to AS/NZS 3760. Furthermore, RCD pushbutton testing is required every 6 months however is recommend every 3 months.

Injection testing is the process of simulating a fault on a live circuit and recording the trip time of the RCD connected to that circuit. This trip time must be within 40 milliseconds for a type 1 RCD and 300 milliseconds for a type 2 RCD.